Help, my leaves are being eaten! What can I do?

If the edges of the leaves of your plants are damaged, the culprit is probably the vine weevil. These beetles are mainly active at night. Sometimes, you can even see the larvae or eggs. The larvae of the vine weevil burrow to feed on the roots of a plant, eventually killing it. Note: the vine weevil affects yew trees as well as many other plants.

We can combat vine weevil larvae using biological agents such as nematodes. Twice a year, we spread the nematodes over the places where the larvae gather. Using nematodes to combat vine weevils is safe for people, plants, and animals.

Gerelateerde vragen

How can I prevent weeds growing in the joints in my paving?

There are various methods of preventing weeds getting established in the joints in your paving. You can fill the joints with joint sand. Joint sand does not mix with surrounding materials, so it doesn’t form a breeding ground for weeds. Make sure the paving drains well. If you make sure there’s enough slope, rainwater will quickly flow to the surrounding borders. If you also use water-permeable grout, tiles will dry even faster.

What is the maximum height of the boundary fence?

The maximum allowed height of the fence marking the boundary with neighbours depends on where it is located. A fence, wall, or gate behind your house can be up to 2 metres high. The maximum height of a boundary fence in front of your house is 1 metre. If you want a higher boundary fence, you must apply for planning permission from your local authority, but once again communication with the neighbours is obviously the most important thing.

I’d like to have lots of butterflies and bees in my garden. How do I make my garden attractive to them?

Many plants attract butterflies and bees. Some are real magnets for these insects, so giving such plants a place in your garden is a guarantee for plenty of visitors. Some examples of plants that attract butterflies and bees: Verbena Buddleia (butterfly bush) Thymus (thyme) Hedera Arborescens (bush ivy) Salvia (sage) Crocus (crocus) Tetradium daniellii (bee-bee tree) You could also plant a small area in the garden with a wildflower mixture. This would provide a habitat for pollinators and improve soil health at the same time.

How can I increase biodiversity in my garden?

It’s very important that there’s plenty of biodiversity in your garden, such as a variety of flowers and plants, as well as animals, insects, and fungi. You can stimulate biodiversity in your garden in a number of ways. Some tips:
  1. Plant a hedge instead of erecting a fence.
  2. Think about putting a pond in your garden, or provide water bowls; insects and birds love water.
  3. Make sure you have a wide variety of flowers that bloom in different seasons. By selecting plants in this way, you’ll be able to enjoy your garden more throughout the year.
  4. If you have enough space in your garden, you can place some wattle walls. These provide shelter for small animals such as amphibians, hedgehogs, and birds. If your garden is smaller, you can also place mounds of branches and leaves for guests such as hedgehogs.
  5. Another good idea is to hang up a bee hotel where bees can nest and hibernate,
  6. Hang up some birdhouses to provide shelter for our feathered friends.
  7. Avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides in your garden.
  8. You can also rewild an area of your garden, where nature can take its course.

Should I disconnect my roof drainpipes from the sewer and divert rainwater to rain barrels in the garden?

The climate in the Netherlands is currently undergoing radical changes, so it’s a good idea to think about water in the garden. One option is to disconnect your roof drainpipes from the sewer and divert them to rain barrels. Rain barrels collect rainwater, and act as buffers that reduce flooding during heavy downpours. The collected rainwater can then be used for watering plants, or cleaning windows or bikes to save drinking water. Various local authorities provide a subsidy if you want to install a rain barrel. Visser Tuinen can help you install a rain barrel in your garden, as well as buffering and infiltration equipment, such as infiltration boxes. Collected rain water is then released more slowly into the surrounding soil.

Can I get a subsidy for a green roof?

Sedum roofs are attractive, relatively easy to install and maintain, and as a bonus they act as a rain buffer. Different types of green roofs exist, with various structures, purposes, and the amount of water they can collect and store. In the Netherlands, you could be entitled to a subsidy for a green roof. The exact amounts and conditions vary, depending on your specific local authority. In general, the subsidy varies from 20 to 35 euros per square metre of green roof. For more information: Green roofs

Can I turn an existing wall into a green wall?

A green wall is an attractive and sustainable way to bring greenery into your garden or building. There are systems suitable for almost all walls, in which it’s possible to create a ‘living painting’ with an interchangeable system of plant cassettes. The result is a full, lush wall. This type of intervention is also called ‘vertical gardening’. There are also ready-made solutions available, such as Mobilane's instant hedges, which consist of a metal grid completely intertwined with plants. This can also be placed against bare masonry walls. Depending on the specific circumstances and requirements, all kinds of options are possible. Visser Tuinen offers various solutions for this. You can plant espalier trees (trained trees with a support structure such as a rack). Fruit trees can also be trained to grow in this way. The great thing about espalier fruit trees is that after enjoying the blossom, you can also eat the fruits.  Some espalier plants attach themselves to the wall, such as ivy or climbing hydrangea, while others need support from a wire or a rack. The latter include roses, grapes, and clematis. There’s an enormous choice available. Every situation requires a different approach, and this is where we can help you with advice and tips.

When’s the best time to plant fruit trees and other trees?

The best time to plant any type of tree is when it’s dormant, namely the period from November to April when internal sap flows in the tree are interrupted. In this period, trees can cope better with being moved and replanted. If you plant a tree early in the winter, it will have time to root properly. The tree will survive the winter well, and grow faster in the summer.

What are the rules concerning trees, shrubs, and the property boundaries?

The rules for planting trees and shrubs near a property boundary are as follows:
  • Trees must be at least 2 metres from the property boundary
  • Hedges and shrubs must be at least 50 cm from the property boundary
There are some exceptions:
  • A tree or hedge which is not higher than the fence
  • After 20 years, your right to demand the relocation of a tree or hedge ends. This is called the ‘statute of limitations’ in legal jargon.

How often should I water my plants and my lawn?

Any new plants in the garden must be watered, depending on the season, soil conditions, and weather. The best time to water plants is in the early morning, as this minimises evaporation losses. During hot, dry periods, we recommend thoroughly watering 2 or 3 times a week. Giving plenty of water ensures that water reaches the deeper roots. Using rainwater for watering is a sustainable option. It also contains very little lime, and is at the perfect temperature for your plants. Water your lawn 2 or 3 times a week during hot, dry periods when the temperature reaches 20 ºC or more. If your lawn receives sufficient water, it will develop a solid, healthy root system and your grass will stay nice and green. The best way to water a lawn is to use a sprinkler

How can I improve my plants’ resistance to pests?

In the first place, you need healthy soil and good water management. If the soil is healthy, plants can absorb sufficient nutrients from it, so make sure you apply the right fertilisers in spring and autumn. This will help plants resist pests. Check your plants regularly, and inspect the leaves for bugs. If you suspect that your plant has a disease, try to find a natural solution. For example, you can use the larvae of ladybirds to combat aphids; the larvae are highly effective at devouring these pests.

My garden remains waterlogged for a long time. Can I do anything about it?

There are various ways to solve the problem of a frequently waterlogged garden. Check out our suggestions below:
  1. Install a drainage system: If the soil above the groundwater level is waterlogged, you might have to install a drainage system so that the water can drain to a lower location. Such a system consists of ribbed tubes with thousands of holes in the walls, covered with coconut fibre. They do have to lead to some point where the water can go, and this must be lower than the drainage pipe.
  2. Aeration: Regularly aerating the lawn helps the lawn and underlying soil absorb water, reducing the likelihood of puddles forming on the grass.
  3. Improve the soil structure: Soils that retain a lot of moisture, such as clayey and loamy soil, are much more sensitive to heavy rain. If your garden contains this type of soil, it’s a good idea to spread a thin layer of sand each winter to improve the soil structure. This will help rainwater soak into the soil.
  4. Create a wadi: A garden wadi (a type of soakaway) is a lowered area in your garden where rain can collect, and then infiltrate the soil. This both prevents water accumulating where you don’t want it, and stimulates biodiversity; it will become a habitat for plants and animals that can withstand water and drought. In addition, a wadi can reduce the burden on the sewer system if rainwater drains are connected to it.
  5. Install an infiltration box: This is a large capacity box into which water can penetrate easily. The box acts as a buffer; it fills up with water in heavy rain, after which the water can gradually infiltrate the surrounding soil. One of the advantages is that it takes pressure of the sewers, as water can be directed to the box instead.
  6. Grate gutters (drainage gutters): Placing grate gutters or channel gutters around the edge of the lawn works really well. Excess water is collected by the gutters, and discharged to the sewer.

My neighbours’ trees are a nuisance, can I do anything about this?

Neighbours' trees affecting the enjoyment of your garden can be distressing. Issues can include overhanging branches or trees blocking sunlight (possibly even causing shadows on solar panels). There are a number of steps you can take. The first thing is to talk to your neighbours, and let them know their trees are causing a nuisance. Check if the trees have been planted in accordance with the rules; a tree must be at least 2 metres from the property boundary. You cannot simply prune overhanging branches of a tree, you must let the owners know that the overhanging branches are causing problems. Give them the opportunity to prune their own tree. If you cannot reach an agreement with the neighbours, get professional legal advice. Visser Tuinen only prunes trees on behalf of the owner of the tree.

Cats are causing a lot of nuisance in my garden. What can I do?

Ground covers such as cocoa shells, wood chips, or tree bark can help deter cats, because they prefer to walk on bare, unvegetated ground. Planting specific plants can also help; cats detest the smell of lilacs, lemon thyme, and mint, among others. Planting these species can be an excellent way of keeping cats out of your garden. Setting up a water sprinkler activated by a movement sensor is another option. It is, however, important to remember that the effectiveness of such methods or plants may vary, depending on the cat and the conditions in the garden.

My garden is shady, with little direct sun. Which plants will give me enough colour in my garden?

Lots of plants thrive in shady conditions and add colour to your garden. Some suggestions for flowering plants that like shade:
  • Lungworts (Pulmonaria)
  • Wolf’s bane (Aconitum)
  • Columbine (Aquilegia)
  • Crane’s bill (Geranium)
  • Bleeding heart (Dicentra)
  • Bugle (Ajuga reptans)
  • Lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis)
Some suggestions for leafy plants that like shade:
  • Plantain lilies (Hosta)
  • Barrenwort (Epimedium)
  • Great forget-me-not (Brunnera)

Can Visser Tuinen clean smooth surfaces such as decking or paving?

Yes, we can help with this. It’s important to brush off the coarse dirt first with a soft broom. Depending on how dirty it is, there are different ways to remove slippery grime. We can treat smooth surfaces with a product which helps combat green deposits such as algae and mosses. It can be used on tiles, walls, wood, and glass, but is harmless for plants and lawns. We can also clean your paving or decking with our Terrazza MC patio cleaner, a machine which removes dirt and grime from paving and decking with brushes. The brushes will not damage your patio, driveway, or garden path. The machine works with water, and no other cleaning agents are added.

Do you take garden waste away with you after carrying out garden maintenance?

We can take away garden waste after carrying out garden maintenance, subject to a fee. We can also leave the garden waste, or put it in your green waste bin.

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